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Winnie Cheche | Kenya | Believe In Yourself

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

Quality Coordinator | Blogger | Communication Director | Volunteer

My name is Winnie Cheche. I am a quality coordinator team leader at a BPO, a blogger at, communication director at Kenya Environmental Action Network and I volunteer with different groups. I believe we are custodians of nature, and it is our duty to protect our planet. Through blogging and other social media platforms. I advocate for sustainable living and wildlife conservation. And also, through tweets, I realized that I could do more in discussing, exploring and even enjoying my passion for wildlife conservations. This is what led to the creation of my blog. With the help of friends and classes, I managed to set up my website. Moreover, it has been a continuous learning process. My blogging work has been featured by various organizations including Nation Media, Global Citizen, La Stampa Newspaper, Greenpeace International, GreenPeace Africa, GreenPeace UK, Pass the Mic, among others. Working with these organizations broadened my network and gave me more friends in the field of climate change. Making it more enjoyable to hear different diverse views. I would say consistency is what has made me who I am today. I still use funds from other jobs to finance my passion, but am always happy and fulfilled when I complete a project and see results. Currently working on helping Orphan centers set up gardens powered by bucket drip irrigation systems for their vegetables. They are really doing well, and everyone is happy with the fruits of the project

What were the biggest initial hurdles and how did you overcome them?

My biggest initial hurdle is not being able to secure a job in the wildlife sector. After managing to complete my studies successfully in Wildlife Management, I was hopeful of finally working with animals I love the most, wildlife. Unfortunately, that never happened. Taking my passion seriously helped me still remain connected to my wildlife love. However, I get to enjoy wildlife through writing, activism, and volunteering.

What books are you currently reading?

The Girl on the train by Paula Hawkins

What advice would you give to an upcoming youth or talents locally and internationally?

Believe in yourself, and everyone will be convinced in believing in you. You will get a few or more Nos as answers, but that should not slow you down. Do not allow them to make you bitter; instead allow them to make you better.

Social Media Handles:

Twitter: @WinnieCheche

Instagram: @its_winnie_cheche

Facebook: Winnie Cheche (Shiku)

Linkedin: Winnie Cheche


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