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Tshego Kekana | South Africa | JUST DO IT!

I am an entrepreneur by nature. I have always known I’m meant to be an entrepreneur from the early age of 16. I used to organize events in High School and hustled really hard, working odd jobs while studying. I failed a grade in High School because of my overly-ambitious ways. Though I was smart, I sacrificed going to a matric dance (e.g. prom) so I can study and pass with distinction. I failed a lot in my life, I made many mistakes along the way but I never gave up. My passion drives me and fuels me. I studied Public Relations and Digital marketing. I worked for many blue-chip companies, I’ve managed campaigns for banks and corporate entities. I started my business – Alfa Destiny Communications in 2016, while working a 9-5 job. I built it and later in 2020, I resigned to focus on my business full-time. COVID hit, I lost clients, I lost money and I was out of a job. I had the option to go back but I trusted God and believed

He put me through it for a reason. A month or two, after laying off my team and losing clients, we won our first big client being Kellogg’s. Then later, we got more clients and also won an ABSA bank project which was big for the business. I built my team and we started pushing and working hard. COVID-19 made me work harder and smarter, I had to toughen up really quick. What I know for a fact is that, if you have a dream and you want to do it – JUST DO IT. Do it broke, Do it scared, Do it when you don’t understand…whatever the case – JUST DO IT. I did it even through COVID, Lockdown and all the obstacles that came with it.

What were the biggest initial hurdles and how did you overcome them?

Losing all my clients during COVID. I had to keep my head high and maintain my faith and just keep pushing. Giving up was not an option.

What books are you currently reading?

I’m reading Shoe Dog by Phil Knight and Half a Yellow Son by Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie

Did you ever deal with contention from your family and friends concerning your pursuits?

How did you handle it? What would you do differently in hindsight?

Yes I did. My parents are old school, but more so my dad. He believed you just need a good paying job and build the life you want. I wanted a business, I wanted lots of money, a lifestyle I was never raised in. I dream big and my dreams scare my family. But I make them understand my journey, I make them walk with me through it and they support me fully.

What would you say was the single most influential factor in your success?

Seeing young black women strive in business in South Africa. That for me is influential and inspiring in many ways. Also the fact that we can come together and work together, not compete but collaborate.

What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started?

That I need to be strong, very strong. I’m soft-hearted and emotional – that doesn’t work in business. I needed to develop a strong character lol.

What advice would you give to an upcoming youth or talents locally and internationally?

If you can dream it, you can do it. Just start, no matter how small. Just do it – the universe will align to make your dream possible, you just have to believe in yourself enough and JUST DO IT.


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