My name is Rebecca Dede Nomo, founder of Awisi Foundation and Human Resource Manager at Pageline Concept (Advertising Agency) and Switch Ghana a design Studio based in Osu, Accra. I grew up at Nectar Orphanage Home in Odumase-Krobo in the Eastern part of Ghana. A lot happens within our environment and it is true that the life of an orphan/underprivileged child is a big challenge. As difficult as it was, our orphanage was attended by volunteers and humanitarians from around the world. Their love for us, kindness and long discussions, sowed hope in my heart that indicated re: there is a way out and that life goes on. I can’t thank God enough for them! After University I started Awisi Foundation as a way to give back. Through this initiative, thirty children have benefitted from an educational sponsorship, of which five are in University at the moment. Education is actually my main focus for this foundation. In most orphanages, caretakers can take a lot of things away from you but one thing no one can take away is your education. And education cannot be downplayed, not everyone can afford the costs. Some people find it hard to get money to feed themselves; let alone get quality education. A good way to ensure that poverty doesn’t deny such people access to quality education is starting a non-profit that generates funds to sponsor their education
What were the biggest initial hurdles and how did you overcome them?
Lack of sufficient funds and continuous funding for projects. Getting through the bad days such as rejection from a funding source. Thinking back, there were so many days that things go extremely well that we were not expecting, or terribly wrong. For me, it’s just getting through the bad days while keeping everyone inspired. That’s the biggest hurdle.
What books are you currently reading?
Currently I am reading “The subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark Manson”
What would you say was the single most influential factor in your success?
I think the single most influential factor is God.
What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started?
The power of networking and social media.
What advice would you give to an upcoming youth or talents locally and internationally?
My advice is; remember that you are capable! I believe in you and I want you to believe in yourself too! Keep pushing, it gets better and also network whenever you get the opportunity.