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Jean Watson | Michigan | Write Down Your Vision

Singer | Violinist | Recording Artist | Speaker| Writer

My name is Jean Watson, and I am a classically trained singer, violinist, recording artist, speaker, and writer. My passion is to inspire others through my music and story. For almost two decades, I have traveled the world sharing the love of God in prisons, homeless shelters, coffeehouses, concert halls, churches and street corners. I have compassion for those who are hurting and love to perform in places where people need hope the most! One of my greatest honors is being an ambassador artist for Prison Fellowship International. I also have a particular love for the nation of Ireland where I host a devotional radio show on United Christian Broadcasting Ireland Radio. When I am not traveling I enjoy spending time with family, playing in a local orchestra, and riding my horse, Lacey.

What were the biggest initial hurdles and how did you overcome them? My biggest initial hurdle was within my own heart. I had musical talent and dreams to share my music with the world, but my own world was full of hopelessness and depression. I had made mistakes in life and thought I had missed my chance to fulfill my destiny. As a single mom of four children, I struggled emotionally, spiritually and financially. In a moment of great desperation, I cried out to God to help me, and the phone rang. The man calling was the concertmaster of the local symphony. He had never met me but asked to hear me play. That audition led to a job playing violin in a professional orchestra! That same year, my landlord accidentally heard me singing and gave me my rent money back to record my first CD. Within a few years, I was invited to tour the UK where I shared music and the amazing story of my cry for help and the miraculous doors that were opening in my life. Since that time, I have traveled the globe inspiring thousands of listeners to believe as I did that all things are possible when we simply humble ourselves and ask for help!

What books are you currently reading? Pretty much everything I do flows from my faith, so my reading list reflects that! I am currently reading “The Liturgy of the Ordinary” by Tish Harrison Warren, “Crafting a Rule of Life” by Stephen A. Macchia, and “The Valley of Vision” (a collection of Puritan Prayers edited by Arthur Bennett) When I am not writing or performing music I am usually on a horse, so “The Ultimate Horse Behavior and Training Book” by Linda Tellington is also on my kitchen table. What advice would you give to an upcoming youth or talents locally and internationally? My advice to anyone with a dream is first of all have a clear vision of where you want to go. Write down your vision! I wrote my dreams long before they were fulfilled. I even made a picture of Ireland as a child which I have to this day. That picture reminded me of the dream in my heart to one day go to that place and do something that would impact that nation. Second, I would encourage them to be authentic. Don’t try to be like everyone else! The best art is a true expression of the heart of the artist. I wasted a lot of time and money doing what I thought would make me more popular. In the end, the music which has been most successful is what I created without fear of judgment. People are moved by what is genuine. Don’t do anything out of fear or a desire to please others. Do what moves you and your work will find it’s place in the world.

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: “She does not perform; she shares herself - heart and soul...the space around her felt hallowed”. Jean Watson, violinist, vocalist, captivating communicator, author and mother releases the traditional Irish prayer and hymn “St Patrick’s Breastplate” on March 4th 2022 ahead of her brand new album “Closer To Home”, released Spring 2022. The Celtic hymn, dating back to the 5th century and often sung during the celebration of the Feast of Saint Patrick (St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th), is a prayer of courage and protection.


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