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Dr. Angela Butts Chester | USA | Enlighten, Inspire, Empower I’m originally from Virginia but moved to California to pursue my dreams. Being a Pastoral Counselor in a Metro area allows you to help people from all walks of life and backgrounds. In time, I started a podcast. One day, I prayed - Lord, I want to be on the radio. Amen. A simple prayer for a big dream. 5 years later, I received a call with a proposition to do radio. I would have a weekly spot but I chose the name Daily Spark with Dr. Angela. I’m glad I followed my first mind because a year later, I was on Weekdays. During that time, I had grown from 1 day a week to 5 days a week; from 1 station to 3 stations. A simple prayer with a big answer, but God wasn’t done with me yet! I have a similar story with my tv show. Daily Spark TV has grown by leaps and bounds. We are now in millions of homes around the world thanks to my partnership with Christian network tv and the convenience of Roku, Amazon Fire, and other devices. My faith is a huge part of who I am. I know my God can do big things, so I believed big things would happen, and they did. Radio continues to grow - I’ve added 2 more stations in 2021. As a speaker, I share topics including empowering women and finding your purpose in life. Empowered women provide for their families and communities no matter where they are in the world. An international theme that all can agree on. I use the phrase “learn to live in and on purpose” when assisting others in finding their passion or sweet spot in life. We all have been given a purpose, a calling in our lives, many just need to learn how to identify it. In past years this service was provided exclusively as a one-on-one coaching offer, however, I now provide it as a virtual class, in part thanks to the pandemic. Pivot for Purpose is a 7-week academy that breaks the steps down and makes success achievable. One-on-one time is still available. My radio tagline is my life's motto - Enlighten, Inspire, Empower!

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What were the biggest initial hurdles and how did you overcome them?

My biggest hurdle was being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Professionally I would have to start over. I’m not the first person this has happened to, nor will I be the last. Taking the lessons learned, I built upon that knowledge and was able to grow even more. What books are you currently reading?

“The Audacity to be Queen” by Gina DeVee and “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started?

  1. Every partnership isn’t meant for you / doesn’t last and that’s ok

  2. Everyone who knows you isn’t cheering for your success

  3. Protect your brand like you would your children

What advice would you give to upcoming youth or talents locally and internationally? Write down your goals in a journal, make a vision board. I’ve done this for years! Be sure to include 2 dates; when you wrote it and when it comes about. Some goals will require long faith, others may be quicker. No matter the time it takes, just remember - if it’s meant for you, it will be yours, in perfect timing. “Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2

Spend time in meditation every day. Talk to God but also learn how to hear Him speaking to you. The more you do this, the more you can depend upon and know that your intuition/gut feeling/discernment is spot on.

Learn to be a unifier. Find those positive attributes that join people together. My favorite poet, Dr. Maya Angelou stated it perfectly...“We are more alike, my friends than we are unalike.”


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