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Mohammed Akwasi Appiah | Ghana | Be Tenacious

IT System Engineer | Tech Founder | Mentor

My name is Mohammed Akwasi Appiah, an Information Technology System Engineer. I am also a Computer Science graduate from Kumasi Technical University. My journey was a tough one. It takes a really focused young lad to go through my path. I had always had the spirit of tenacity as part of my personality. I believe this is a trend inherited from my mother. She is the strongest and toughest woman I have ever seen. She raised three boys all by herself under very extreme circumstances. I lost my father at a very young age, and she never gave up on us, even though she could have done so if she wanted to.. After grade school in 2009, furthering my education was challenging; so I went on to find a job for myself. I worked as a cleaner, and that was the job that saw me through tertiary education. With a salary of 13$per month. I had to let go of many things a young person needs, in order to focus on achieving my dream. I know how it feels to be rejected by family, friends and society, I have been through it all, I once slept on the street to survive. That is the reason I find volunteering to help kids who are being rejected or neglected by family, friends or society as a thing very close to my heart. I always feel the need to help others, especially the neglected and less privileged. It is something I'm very passionate about.

Being in the tech space, I once served as one of the lead mentors on the Google flagship program in Africa - Code4Girls, in kumasi, Ghana 2016 and Power by HapaSpace. As a way of giving back to my community (my hometown), I successfully organized a two days STEMTech training workshop for young girls of the Kwaman Presbyterian Technical Senior High School (Nsuta-Kwaman) Kumasi - Ghana. I also spearhead my own tech startup - Peritum Technologies Limited, an IT firm based in Ghana. I am also open to consulting opportunities - private or government sectors.

What were the biggest hurdles and how did you overcome them? Some of my biggest challenges were the times when I literally had no place to lay my head. I used to walk around clubs and crowded areas during the night, I'd hang around these areas throughout the night and later go to work early morning. And since I was a cleaner, we had to report to work by 5AM. I mostly use the rest of my free time after completing my daily task, to sleep or nap. Another challenge was food, my salary was just 13-14$ equivalent, I used to live on less than a dollar a day. Overcoming these challenges wasn't through no other means but first by the mercy of God. and also my strong will to one-day be a person of relevance. I remain focused, steadfast.

What book are you currently reading? I currently reading three books; Book 1. How to love~ by Richard Templar Book 2. Richest Man in Bybalone ~ by George S. Clason. Book 3. The Art of War. ~ by Sun Tzu

What advice would you give to an upcoming youth or talents locally and Internationally? Be steadfast, tenacious and perseverance in your doing. Nothing good comes easy. You are going through whatever you're going through now because God believes in you. He knows what you're capable of, and because he loves you, you are bound to be tested. Put your trust in him and him only, and one day you will understand why it was all for your own good. All those setbacks, trials, tough times, are part of your development.

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