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Keisha Greaves | Massachusetts | NEW TIPS!!

I was born and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I started my clothing business Girls Chronically Roc because I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy back in 2010 while I was in graduate school receiving my Master’s degree in Business. I wanted to create a movement to help inspire and motivate others who maybe battling a chronic illness or just going through something in their everyday life. I just don’t want Girls Chronically Rock to be a clothing line, I want this to be a movement and to build an EMPIRE!!

What were the biggest initial hurdles to building your business and how did you overcome them?

My biggest hurdles were trying to figure out what customers want, what will attract them to my brand. How to figure out my sale prices and make my customers are happy and satisfied. I learn new things everyday with building my business, with what customers want to see on social media, what designs they like and so much more. I take everything day by day, ask my customers what they want and need to have tough skin just incase they may not say what I want to hear. I continue to strive, and think positive and continue to build my empire.

What books are you currently reading? And your recommendation for entrepreneurs to read?

I am currently reading “Rise and Grind” by Daymond John from Shark Tank. Daymond is really someone I admire and look up to and hope to meet him one day to discuss my GCR business with him. I feel that Daymond is someone to look up to, because he’s doing very well for himself and started a business and continues to have several businesses and has been successful for years.

Did you ever deal with contention from your family and friends concerning your entrepreneurial pursuits? How did you handle it? What would you do differently in hindsight?

I have always received support for my business Girls Chronically Rock from day one. My family always supports me whether its advertising my clothing line on social media, purchasing one of my pieces and always there for any of my events no matter what. I must say I am very lucky with the amount of support I have been receiving from my family and friends. They want to see me succeed and build my empire and strive at my business. The only thing I wish I did, was started my business sooner and connected with a lot more business individuals.

What would you say was the single most influential factor in your business success?

I love getting messages from people on social media and in person telling me I love what your doing and what your business stands for, continue to do what you do, because I believe in you. When I hear words like that from people, it gives me chills filled with excitement and makes me stronger and more motivated. It makes want to continue to strive because believe and are paying attention.

What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started as an entrepreneur?

I wish I knew that connecting and networking with other business-like individuals really makes a difference in your life and what you can learn to add to your business. I wish I did more advertisement with my business and just to believe in yourself and your idea and don’t let anything stop you.

What advice would you give to an upcoming entrepreneur locally and internationally?

I would say for any upcoming entrepreneur’s looking to start their own business, just go for it and just do it. Before you know it, time will pass you by and all of the things you wish you did before, time will pass you by. Always connect with other business individuals who has a business, go to networking events, learn new tips and ideas and support others and you will receive the same support from other business owners.


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