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Chantelle Lamoureux | Toronto | Be Bold & Different!

I think the spark for a new business venture hit me when I was working in catering in early 2017. I loved my job but always felt I was missing something. My terrible habit of wanting to be in control of everything sparked the fact that I wanted to have my own business, plan my own events. I wanted to do something that was creative! So, I was lucky to of found a very niche market within Canadian Tire through my personal network and started, Lamoureux Events. I have done a couple events outside the Canadian Tire market, but I would say they are may main clients, and I absolutely love it. Opening up my own business in February of 2017 was the best thing that I have ever done.

What three pieces of advice would you give to college students (young and old) locally or internationally who want to become entrepreneurs?

Do not fear failure! I think the scariest thing about wanting to start my own business at 25 years old, was the fact that failure was so easy to imagine. But, how come success couldn't be JUST as easy to imagine? I feel as though we are all brilliant and passionate in our own ways within our own niche markets. We all have the power to become an entrepreneur, some of us are just more bold than others. So I say, be different, be bold and stand out to accomplish your career goals, whatever that may be.

If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

No, I wouldn't change a thing. I think the reason I am here today was because of my diverse career background. From being a server, to an esthetician, to a student in nursing to an event planner, all of those hurdles taught me what I know today. I have experiences that I draw back on all the time to get me past difficult issues throughout this new adventure!

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

I don't believe that I can say what the top three skills are to be a successful entrepreneur, having not even been in business for a full year yet. But, I can say that drive, motivation and passion are the three key things I use every day that have helped me to have such a successful first 10 months.

Don't Be Scared!

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