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Lauren & Nicole | Atlanta + Washington | Create Your Own Culture!!

Tell us about your journey!

After working and volunteering with several different PR agencies and publicists, we were inspired by seeing the results we contributed to many different brands and wanted to take a leap of faith and make things happen for ourselves and our own clients. We have been friends for years; since age 3 to be exact! Both having degrees in communication, we decided to combine the different aspects of PR that we had learned and turn it into a growing business. The name 1092 PR Consulting comes from October 1992, both our birth month and year. This is something that connects us personally.

Our journey has a bit of a simple start because we each had a committed passion for public relations. Once we graduated undergrad we did public relations work for quite a few independent companies, but we wanted more opportunities to execute more campaigns with our creative ideas. Eventually, we soon realized we had the resources and skills to start our company! Most importantly, we had the ability to create a culture within our business that was true to our own vision.

What three pieces of advice would you give to college students (young and old) locally or internationally who want to become entrepreneurs?

1. Take on an internship! The biggest thing that helped us the most was becoming more hands on while in school. In our industry there are a lot of different techniques and styles of doing things so it is best to be well rounded. This also can lead to future career opportunities!

2. It is okay to volunteer/work for free! Volunteering can help build relationships with media and other publicists as well. Take every opportunity to learn and build your network.

3. Stay consistent. Take the time each day to do something that can benefit the growth of your business or dreams. No one can want the success you dream of more than you!

If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Take Advantage of opportunities to work with start ups even if it meant doing pro bono work or freelance volunteering. These are great opportunities to network and build relationships that can be extremely beneficial and meaningful in the future.

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

1. Research skills

2. Networking skills

3. Planning skills


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