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Dionna Chambers | Los Angeles | Relentless Drive

My journey has been a long one!!! I am equal parts Entertainer and Creator as I am Entrepreneur, I like to call myself an ENTREPRETAINER. I have always been in the arts. I was a dancer at the age of 5 and midway through college at UCLA I decided I did not want to dance anymore. I took my talents and translated them to acting and hosting. I have focused my efforts on hosting landing big gigs with brands as a Spokesperson. I have had this knack for being able to make marketing jargon relatable to the consumer so I have worked with incredible brands delivering their messages internationally! Some of those brands include: The American Heart Association, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Teen Vogue Magazine, Simon Malls, to name a few.

I have taken a natural talent and have created a business. One that I love and one that allows me a platform to inspire. And of course other opportunities have opened up as a result. I have a marketing consulting business as well where I actually work from behind the scenes to help brands make their vision come true through creative strategy and event production. It is truly amazing. I am almost like a "life producer." I put things together for people and brands and make sense of it.

So here I am. A Lady Boss. An Entertainer. An Entrepreneur. A CEO. A TV Host. An Actress. A PRODUCER. I am all of it. And for the first time in my life, I own my many talents because those talents make me who I am. And I am proud of myself and what I have been able to create.

Starting a business began the second I decided to step into the Entertainment Industry. The moment I decided to figure out the whole "acting" thing. I knew I would be working for myself from here on out. And I haven't looked back since. I have been my own boss since I got out of college, minus an initial 8 months or what I like to say "corporate bootcamp" working as an Executive Assistant to a CEO. It was the perfect job to get me into my next chapter. And I am grateful for how it all turned out.

3 pieces of advice.

-It's ok if you don't know HOW you are going to make your dream or passion come true. It's more important that you connect to the WHY. Once you do that, the methods literally begin to appear. Trust yourself. Trust your gut and follow your heart. Sure logic is necessary to create success. But so is drive, so is passion, and so it BELIEF IN SELF.

-The time is now. There is no need to create extensive business plans and formally declare what you want to do. Sure have a plan. But just start. Life is short. It is not guaranteed. It is better to be a doer than to be a dreamer. You decide.

-Be open. Try new things. Trial and error is key. Don't get stuck using the same methods and strategies with your business. If you have done something and it works. Find a better route. Don't get complacent. "If it ain't broke don't fix it," doesn't apply here. Not when you want to build an EMPIRE. Building an empire is a learning process. Each day you are learning and applying different lessons to different situations. Remember that. You are a student of life, business, and of your own self-growth.

The spiritual part of me says NO. I would never redo my past because it happened the way it was supposed to. The logical side of me says HELL YES. I would've began acting on my ideas, passions and dreams WAY sooner than I did. Meaning I would've taken more risks, faced my fears, and really gone for it. It took a while for me to really get started and start to believe in myself. So if I could redo it, I would. I would've focused on the "self-love" and "self-worth" parts earlier on so I could've had the confident to truly go after my dreams.

Top 3 skills.

-Relentless drive and determination


-Persistent. No matter how much you want to quit, you just can't. You are dedicated and COMMITTED to see your dream become a reality.


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