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Meagan Henry | Atlanta | Protect Your Place!

I am fiery-29-year-old-Jesus-loving-serial entrepreneur who fearlessly chases after the desires of my heart! Born in Mississippi, the third of four children, I discovered my passion for helping, motivating, inspiring, and serving others early on. I began naturally embodying my innate gifts of leadership and mentorship, at age 16, taking on the role of cheer coach at a middle school in my local community. My call to service would eventually lead to countless occasions where Meagan would continue leading, mentoring, and giving back, including serving as Regional Program Director for Youth and Teens, at the YMCA of metro Atlanta, for four years. With the love and support of family, friends and mentors, I took a 2nd trip to Haiti, and it was then, I met Ms. Lynn, founder of the Mission of Grace orphanage in Carries, Haiti. Upon learning of Ms. Lynn’s divine journey to starting MOG, I immediately joined forces and started her foundation, Atl4Haiti. I knew that together, Mission of Grace and Atl4Haiti would bring about unstoppable, unshakable, and unrelenting change for all lives involved. Atlanta4Haiti isn’t a mission-based organization, but more of a conduit for global outreach initiatives.

Since the inception of Atl4Haiti, I have joined with other like-minded influencers, and garnered the backing of local Atlanta businesses, executing multiple donation drives, seven global outreach initiatives, and leading three groups--to date--to serve in Haiti ... and I definitely doesn’t plan on stopping there! I recognize that my vision for Atl4Haiti was divinely placed in my heart and spirit, and that it is bigger than even I. The vision for ATL4Haiti involves that of uniting a people, the bringing together of two worlds and cultures, and enhancing the life experiences and opportunities for everyone involved--one change at a time.


What ignited the spark in you to start a new business venture or to make significant changes in an existing business?

After graduating from Georgia State University with a dual degree in Urban Education and African-American studies, I began working in the non-profit sector. While I loved the work, my desire to help others began to outweigh that of remaining on the corporate front. Little did I know, my desires were already cooking up for an exciting life transition and new direction. At the age of 25, I was asked to join a team in Haiti for the purpose of installing water wells in communities which lacked clean water. Unbeknownst to me, this trip would serve as a dynamic continuance in my life mission of serving God and his people.

How did the idea for your business come about?

While building the wells in Haiti, I took notice of the harsh living conditions--people bathing in the same water from which they drank--and audaciously vowed that I would do her part in making their lives and neighbourhoods better--however I could.

What were the biggest initial hurdles to building your business and how did you overcome them?

I have had to learn how to master managing six or more budgets at the same time! I overcame this by investing into an accountant and business coach.

Did you ever deal with contention from your family and friends concerning your entrepreneurial pursuits?

Thankfully my friends and family have been supportive since day one which has made entrepreneur life that much easier. Although I am very self motivated, I feel strongly that having the support of my family and friends gives me a competitive edge as I am able to be more confident about the moves I make. Shout out to my little brother Hoderick who pushes me to be innovative while executing with excellence in everything that I do.

What would you say was the single most influential factor in your business success?

My ability to push through when things get hard while remaining professional focused on the mission and vision that I have for my life.

What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started as an entrepreneur?

PROTECT YOUR PEACE! I have had to learn to not allow anything to move me. When you are operating and growing a business your peace is one of the single most important factor in accomplishing your goals. No Peace = No Progress

What advice would you give to an upcoming entrepreneur locally and internationally?

Always do your best. Even if it may seem like you don't have enough doing your best with what you have will always result in growth and you obtaining more. Stewardship is key! God will not give you more if He can not trust with the little.

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