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Sierra Ramke | Sydney | Naturally Motivated!!

As a start up company, pitching a new type of wardrobe to a traditionalised industry we have had to be very romantic in educating our clients on "why" we are who we are and how great our concept is. Our biggest hurdle initially was promoting a Bridal Top and Skirt rather than the idolised "Wedding Dress". When we first started no-one wanted to buy Bridal Separates and would decline even trying things on, though as our brand developed we got past that initial hurdle and now clients are coming in wanting cropped bodices.

Did you ever deal with contention from your family and friends concerning your entrepreneurial pursuits? How did you handle it? What would you do differently in hindsight?

Having a background in the Wedding industry we have a great support from family and friends who knew we had the expertise to bring this vision to life so fortunately we did not have to worry too much about any personal contention. We did however face industry contention from buyers who saw our vision as a fad, though we really believe in what we're doing so that hasn't held us back.

What would you say was the single most influential factor in your business success?

We're still a growing company so the word success seems a long term trophy though I think our greatest success to date is sticking to our guns and being authentic with our brand. We don't do wedding dresses, we do tops and bottoms and we do them well and we also love Pink.

What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started as an entrepreneur?

Having started young in business I was naturally motivated and very dedicated to my company which at the time was a Bridal Retail business. No work was too hard and I would work late hours as I still do today to develop the success of my business. I was dedicated to being the best. What I have learnt is that motivation now comes from a different place. It is seasoned and has more purpose behind it. It's not about being the winner or getting first place, it's about being 100% Authentic. I've tried both business outlooks but feel more fulfilled now that I'm less competitive and more intrinsic in my business outlook.

What advice would you give to an upcoming entrepreneur locally and internationally?

Know your industry like an exert, train like an athlete and most importantly learn what makes you happy in business and focus on that.


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